Sunday, August 18, 2013

Milestones so far.

Lillian started rolling over completely about a couple weeks ago. This weekend I wanted to start introducing baby cereal to her. Silly girl made the silliest faces but she's getting better. She's actually eating and enjoying it!

I am also switching her from her nook to this new pacifier. She likes it too.  Luckily Lillian isn't too picky when it comes I these things and she doesn't rely on sucking on a pacifier to calm down. 

 Lillian will be 5 months on Wednesday and I really want to take her to get her ears pierced. Maybe Friday? We will see.

Overall, exhausting yet great weekend. Spent a lot of time at relatives' houses so it's nice to be home. Anyhow, I'm catching up on this new show on Netflix called "Orange is the New Black." So far it's not bad. I'll give an update when I finish the series. 

Lillian's up and rolling around now so I will check in another day. 

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