Wednesday, August 21, 2013

5 months!

Lillian is 5 months old today! She decided to wake up at 5 this morning so I let her sleep with Soua and I. 
As you can see, she sleeps horizontally. Soua and I are left with about a foot of space to sleep on. 

Work today was long. I had an awesome informational with this old coworker of mine. I really need to get out of my pyramid and do something else... something new. I also embarrassed myself today by dropping and shattering my Pyrex lunch container because some girl decided to creep up behind me and scared me (unintentionally of course).  I had to run to get help to clean it up ad stood by my mess for a good 15 minutes. Good times... not. 

Came home later than usual and went straight to Cub Foods to buy state fair tickets and dinner. We celebrated Lillian's 5 month with cake! We ate it of course. 

We plan on attending the state fair next Friday. We both took the day off to prep for Lillian's blessing ceremony the following Saturday. 

It going to be busy. 

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