Saturday, August 31, 2013

Hmong Blessing Ceremony

We prepared all week (more like all month) for today's event. We even took off Friday to buy veggies and prep the house. We managed to squeeze in the state fair early in the morning then headed off to purchase everything else. 

Basically what a blessing ceremony is is a Hmong version of a baptism. We cook a lot of food, invite family, a shaman performs the blessing ceremony and everyone ties a white string around her and our wrists to wish is luck in life and give Lillian gifts (money). 

After every new mom has a baby, our culture requires us to do a "spirit calling" ritual before the mom-to-be gives birth to make sure both mom and baby arrives safely. 3 days after birth, the family calls the spirit again, just for the baby this time, to ensure the baby's safe arrival to our world. Then when the family is ready, a big gathering is done to bless the entire family. 

Our culture believes in spirits and that every person, whether unborn, born, alive or not, forever has one. We also believe in reincarnation which cycles through the same spirits. 

I find it beautiful how much support our culture has on family and the bond that ties everyone together. It's always family first. However, being that we live in the US, it is quite difficult for us to find a balance between the two. I'll explain more in a later post, for now, enjoy the photos from Lillian's Hmong Blessing Ceremony we had today. 

My good girl was sleeping during the hand tying ceremony. Such a silly bunny!

The last piece of cake...

I made sure I had it!

It was a long and stressful day. I woke up at 4:30 am to make rice. My sweet sister in law and brother came over at 5am to help and it was just us until about 7:30 am. 

I am so blessed to have such an amazing and supportive family. Everyone lent a helping hand and the party was a success. Thanks everyone for coming! We love you all!


  1. Love the photos honey! Your family is so beautiful! XO

  2. My best friend invited me to her son's blessing this weekend, but I have no idea what I should take or if I need to. I would ask but everytime I do she always says I don't need to bring anything (her Hmong wedding) and later I learn different. I am Mexican so I don't know a lot about the Hmong rituals, and I end up embarrassed because I feel like I should have brought something and didn't. I saw one of your pictures, you had a bowl with money, is this something guest usually give? I learned it is something given as a gift in wedding, I was embarrassed I didn't give any, and I just don't want to feel like that again. I know she doesn't care if I give her money or not, but I feel that if I'm going to attend I should at least know what to expect. Can you please give me some advice? Thank you!

    1. Hi Alma!

      Yes money in any amount is acceptable. During the cafe MN guests will be offered to tie a white string around the wrists of each family member and in doing so a gift is given to the family. If you don't have money people also give boiled eggs or candy (whatever is on the center piece). Good luck!
