Friday, August 16, 2013

Capturing Life

I decided to start this blog to share my life as a new mom and also to document my daughter's growth.  I've noticed that I take tons of photos and want a place to share them along with quick memories and stories behind them.

I'll start from the beginning. My husband and I have been together since December 2013. I just turned 15 and he was 17. Who would have thought that almost 10 years later we'd still be together, let alone having our first child? We got married on 9-10-11 and started trying to have kids pretty much right away. We finally got pregnant June of 2012. We went through a lot together in trying to have a baby. When I found out I was pregnant, I was in disbelief. I was so happy yet nervous at this same time. Throughout my pregnancy I had a lot of extra doctor visits due to my family history. Everything turned out great at the end and my baby was as healthy as can be! We were ecstatic! My awesome sisters, sister in laws and friends threw me the best baby shower ever.  The theme was Candyland. Our baby was and is so loved and we are so blessed. 

Come March I was already in my final month of pregnancy. I had her on March 21st, 2013 at 6:23 pm.  We named her Lillian Gaonah Thao. She was 6 lbs 13 ozs and was 19 1/2 inches long. She was beautiful. 

It was a long 12 hour labor but was totally worth it. My contractions weren't bad up until the hour before she came out. I did it without any drugs, only IV. After giving birth I blew up. I was carrying so much water! Luckily I lost it all within the first month. 

We are finally complete. I'd like to introduce my family: Soua, Lillian and me, Kan. 

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