Thursday, December 3, 2015

Welcome Harrison!

Baby boy Thao arrived 10/15/2015 weighing in at 9 lbs 1 oz! Yes he was a big boy - even the doctors had to do a double take. This little man is more of a handful than Lillian but I'm so grateful for him. He saved me. Saved me from becoming depressed - he was my distraction from all the craziness that happen while mom was sick and as she passed. We buried mom on Monday 10/12 and the whole funeral weekend I was dilated to 5 and could have went into labor at any second. I almost thought I was going to on Sunday but I kept telling baby to stay in and come out big and healthy. Well, I got what I asked for!

He came out big and healthy and with a head full of hair! I love my Harrison Chakong Thao!

We also took family photos a month later since Lillian and I got sick right after having Harrison. We will be using these for our holiday cards this year. 

I am so blessed to be the mother of these two beautiful angels. 

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